Tantra Las Vegas

The Sacred Experience

Tantra massage in Las Vegas

Tantric Bodywork includes massage, with the body's energy centers as the primary focus. Deeply healing Tantric Bodywork is based on the entire Tantric philosophy, and includes energy to put you into a centered, healing and meditative state. You'll find yourself more open to feel in your body and enjoy pleasure, while your energy will be renewed and restore. Excellent to enjoy by yourself or in a couple.

Who I am?

Independent Tantra practitioner in Las Vegas

Hello, I’m Gigi Sensual an independent practitioner in Las Vegas. I am a Latin beauty with a warm heart and warm personality. I invite you to focus on connecting more deeply with your sensations and feelings.

Tantra Las Vegas- the sacred experience, is my philosophy and mission, it’s my expression of the sensual healing arts. The sessions I offer are crafted to create a container for you to relax and unwind from the stresses of daily life.

Take the time to review the sessions and choose the one that fancies you. My guarantee is that there are not hidden fees, no up-sales, and no tipping is required.

Bodywork Sessions:

Tantra, Sacred Spot, Nuru,

Bondassage, Couples.

Contact me to get sessions details and rates.

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If at the moment you are presenting any STOMACHACHE, COLD symptoms, FEVER or COUGH please don’t book at this time.

Preferably that you haven’t had any type of surgery in the last 3 months.

Appointments are a must since I’m not an agency who sends you whoever is available at the moment.

There is a limited number of appointments each day.

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Contact me to start experiencing pleasure today!